Looking for Poka-Yoke Error Proof System Training? Poka-yoke is a Japanese term used in lean manufacturing, it’s meaning is mistake proofing. Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means “mistake-proofing” or “inadvertent error prevention”
Lean Production System (LPS) is a systematic approach to identify and eliminate waste (non-value-added activities) through continuous improvement or KAIZEN in order to reduce cost and improve cash flow. LPS always can be divided into two main pillars, which are JIT – Just In Time and JIDOKA. JIT is referred to ‘Making only what is needed, when it is needed and in the amount needed’, JIDOKA is referred to ‘Quality must be built in during manufacturing processes. Poka-Yoke – Error Proof System is the tool to realize the JIDOKA concept.
Poka-Yoke is a device or system that ensures proper working conditions exist before actually executing a process step, preventing defects from occurring in the first place. Where this is not possible, Poka-Yoke then perform a detective function, eliminating defects in the process as early as possible and prevent the defects from flowing to the next processes.
Program Objectives
At the end of Poka-Yoke Error Proof System Training, participants should be able to:
•Understand the 7 deadly wastes that leading to costly business environment
•Understand the methodology of Poka-Yoke
•Understand the Zero Defects Strategies in manufacturing environment
•Utilize Poka-Yoke concept in the workplace to prevent defect from happening
Seminars, group exercise, discussion, brainstorming, video show, actual worksite study, etc…
Target Audience
Any interested party who keen to seek perfection by continuous improvement i.e. Production, Quality Assurance, Engineering, Planning, Logistic, etc…
Duration, Cost & Venue
No. of days: 1 day
Course duration: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Cost (in-house training): Please contact us for further info.
Venue: TBA
Program Outline
Overview of Lean Production System
• Review the Seven Wastes (MUDA) that made costly manufacturing environment
• Reduce cost to maximize profit
• Review Lean Structure which are Just-In-Time and Jidoka implemented by TOYOTA
• Discussion on the definition of Poka-Yoke and the reason why Poka-Yoke is needed in order to reduce cost by improving productivity
• Sharing on types of inspection techniques in the field of quality control
•10 kinds of human errors and what should be the potential way for safeguarding them
•Basic functions of Poka-Yoke that applies in manufacturing environment
•Review on 8 principals of basic improvement for Poka-Yoke
• To review the Zero Defects Strategies for factory
-Level 1 – Defects leave company
-Level 2 – Defects do not leave company
-Level 3 – Decrease defects
-Level 4 – Defects no leave the process
-Level 5 – Zero defects
•Workshop 1
-Team will be given a manufacturing problem situation and are required to work out the Poka-Yoke concept for related process.
-Group presentation and discussion
•Workshop 2
-Team will be given a manufacturing problem situation and are required to work out the Poka-Yoke concept for related process.
-Group presentation and discussion
•Discussion on Poka-Yoke examplesEDIT