Looking for 5S & Visual Management Training? 5S is a Workplace Kaizen Methodology to improve one’s company orderliness and cleanliness at which these are the important reference points for judging company’s management competency and its power to realize the system.
Visual management is come along with 5S which to identify the gap between ideal standard and current workplace situation. It can be applied for the daily operation to alert everyone whether there is anything going wrong. However, management should take appropriate action to deal with.
Ultimate goal is to eliminate various type of waste that propel the manufacturing costs up.
5S and Visual management help to get prepare yourself for coming rivals.
This 5S & Visual Management Training aims to explain:§ Seven wastes in manufacturing§ Methodology of 5S (Seiri,Seiton,Seiso,Seiketsu& Shitsuke) & Visual Management§ How 5S & Visual Management encounter the Seven wastes
Seminars, group exercise, discussion, brainstorming, video show, actual worksite study, etc…
Target Audience
Any interested party who is keen to seek for perfection by continuous improvement through Kaizen methodology, i.e. Production, QA, Engineering, Planning, Logistic, Account, etc…
All OPTIMUS trainers are experienced professionals who are all practicing consultants with years of experience working with customers to assist them in continuous improvement or Lean implementation.
Fee, Date, Duration & Venue (Fee does not include tea break, refreshments & lunch)
Professional Fees: Please contact us for further info.
Date: TBA
Course Duration: 1 day (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
Program …
•Lean philosophy•Seven wastes that drive manufacturing costs up•Workshop 1 – how to identify wastes / Muda
Benefits – by end of this session, participants should be able:– to see and differentiate between value-added and non-value-added activities– to understand the Kaizen structure for Lean Manufacturing-• 5S – key to world class manufacturing• What is Visual Management• What trigger 5S• Why 5S is so important• Step 1 Seiri – Sorting• Step 2 Seiton – Systematic Arrangement• Step 3 Seiso – Cleaning• Step 4 Seiketsu – Standardization• Step 5 Shitsuke – Discipline• 5S + Visual Management• 5S games
Benefits – by end of this session, participants should be able:– to understand each S steps’ Essences with simple simulation-•Ideal standard VS Actual condition• How to maintain 5S practices•Workshop – generate 5S concept•Discussion•Workshop – generate 5S concept•Discussion
Benefits – by end of this session, participants should be able:– to understand the basic methodology of 5S & Visual Management– to understand how 5S & Visual Management eliminate Seven wastes– to carry out 5S activity at the workplace-•Wrap up